Dr. Oto Sova M.D.

Dr. Oto Sova M.D.
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Scientist, biochemist and the inventor of our products


Silver medal holder of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Biology

Author of 49 patents

PhD in biochemistry

Author of 90 scientific studies and 6 monographs

Founder of the scientific research centre, BOOS-BS, in Kosice

Recognized as one of the most influential people in Czech and Slovak Republic

Life Story of

Dr. Sova


Moving to Slovakia

Born in 1939 in Znojmo. In 1945, his parents moved to Slovakia. He learned to read and write at the age of 5.

1957 - 1963

Medicine Studies

During years 1957-1963, he studied medicine at the university in Kosice. Oto Sova also enjoyed physics, astronomy and chemistry. During his studies, in 1958, he started working as an assistant at the faculty of biochemistry in Kosice.


Career in science

Year 1964 meant the beginning of the scientific career for Oto Sova at the Slovak Academy of Sciences' experimental biology department. He started working on the molecular genetics, the field that he has been involved in up to this day. During the 60s, Oto began working on several scientific studies and subsequently started lecturing at the universities all around the world.


Departure to Canada and the US

In 1990, Oto left the Slovak Academy of Sciences and moved to Canada with all his life savings and patents. He became successful in both Canada and the US as his patent for division of substances was bought by American whisky producers. He then sold more of his patents and came back to Slovakia with a substantial capital and an idea to build his own biochemical research center.


Return to Slovakia

In 1991, Oto founded his own scientific research center, BOOS-BS where he works on the development of vaccines, enzymes, health supplements and cosmetics. He also started researching the plant called Yucca Shidigera known for containing high volumes of saponins.


Obtaining the most value patent

In 1993, Dr. Oto Sova gained his most valuable patent, the method of isolectric focusing for purification of biological materials with the use of electric current.

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Guaranteed by

The guarantor of DIAMOND YACCA is a recognized doctor MUDr. Oto Sova CSc.

Mr. Oto Sova, MD and CSc. has researched the effects of saponins and specifically the Diamond Yacca on the human body for more than 25 years. His Boos Research Institute provides 24-hour free consultations to users of this product and people interested in it. In the course of his research, Mr. Sova familiarized himself with the saponin chemistry and has gained both extensive experience and valuable leadership as an expert in this field.


Scientific Works

Monographs a scientific studies

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O. Sova, P. Mäsiar: Das Verhalten von Serumeiweisen bei eiweisdepletierten Ratten. Berlin. Akademie Verlag, 1966 (67 str.)

P. Mäsiar, O. Sova: Composition of serum proteins during developing protein depletion studied by starch gel electrophoresis. Col.Czech.Chem.Com.61,1967 (21 str.)

O. Sova, P. Mäsiar: Quantitative halbautomatische Auswertung der Elektrophorese in Stärkegel mittels der Registrier-Apparatur „Zeiss-ERI-10!. Verlag Berlin,1966 (21 str.)

O. Sova: Príspevok k štúdiu regulácie proteosyntézy makroorganizmov. Košice, 1976 (150 str.)

O. Sova: O možnostiach centrálnej regulácie proteosyntézy organizmov. Košice, 1978

O. Sova: Autofokusácia – Autofokusierung. Košice – Berlin, 1988 (96 str.)

O. Sova: Vyperme si organizmus. Košice 1997, ISBN 80-967785-1-7 (107 str.)

Patented Inventions

The most valuable patents

O. Sova: Spôsob výroby amfolytického pufru pre izoelektrické fokusovanie. 1981/Čs 187104

O. Sova: Spôsob samočinného izoelektrického fokusovania.1983/Čs 211856

O. Sova, M. Viest: Spôsob výroby subcelulárnej parenterálnej látky proti neonatálnej kolienteritíde prasiat. 1986/Čs 2311145

O. Sova, M. Viest: Spôsob izolácie termolabilného enterotoxínu baktérií E. coli. 1987/Čs 2309839

J. Szilasi, O. Sova: Spôsob výroby chemicky čistého l-lyzínu. 1989/Čs 265509

O. Bodišová, A. Mezzei, O. Sova a spol.: Eljárás vizes oldatban viherő nagytisztiságú szÍnezék koncentrátumok kinyerésére természetes anyagból. 1992/HU 210485

O. Sova: Method and apparatus for separating biological substances and organic components in solution. 1993/USA 5.256.269

O. Sova: Zariadenie na voľnú elektromigračnú separáciu látok v roztoku. 1997/SK 278459

O. Sova, O. Bodišová: Prostriedok na dočasnú obnovu pôvodnej farby šedivých vlasov. 1998/SK 2249

G. DeBoer, O. Sova: Method and apparatus for continuous flow isoelectric focusing for purification of biological materials. 1998/EU 36821



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Guaranteed by

The guarantor of DIAMOND YACCA is a recognized doctor MUDr. Oto Sova CSc.

Mr. Oto Sova, MD and CSc. has researched the effects of saponins and specifically the Diamond Yacca on the human body for more than 25 years. His Boos Research Institute provides 24-hour free consultations to users of this product and people interested in it. In the course of his research, Mr. Sova familiarized himself with the saponin chemistry and has gained both extensive experience and valuable leadership as an expert in this field.

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